Warm up & Expedition- Starts at 17.00, here:
https://goo.gl/maps/BJsZU- Team play, with easy tracks and little games

This stage is free
RC4WD Scale Trial Championship + CESTThere will be 3 sections, starting at 22.00 (night race, ends in the morning!)
Here is a little rule change, compared to the usual rules, because of the
RC4WD champoinship- you get your ranking based on your penalties and scale points, as usual, but
- there is no time bonus
CEST- You get your own penalties and scale points, but you get the team time, as following:
Every started minute will be one (1) Point.
Time and points starts when the first car of your team crosses the start line and ends when the last car of your team pass the finsih line of the section.
Overall points = Failure points + Team drive time - Scale-Bonuspoints
Team end result = (Overall team points) / (size of team)
The smaller value the better
Rule changes- Winching to ground / pullpal / other car allowed only! No hand/foot assisted winching this time!
- The winch penalty goes to that driver who gets the help, no matter whos winch is actually doing the job
- The afternoon expedition is a warm up "stage", you can modify your car, wheels, etc, before the technical inspection for the night race!
- Waterproof electronics advised

- Mosquito repellent higly advised!

- There are still some rooms (3 and 4 bed; 40 and 50€ per room) available, you can reserve until 20. 07. 2014